December 6, 2017

Leaders have a powerful influence on an organization’s culture. They set the tone for how employees perceive their work experience, so leadership and culture go hand in hand. In many ways, leaders’ success depends on their ability to help shape and uphold organizational culture. That’s a formidable task—and one that requires selflessness, conviction and strong

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November 21, 2017

Today, technology has seeped into every crevice of our organizations, from manufacturing, operations, marketing, and beyond. That explains why technical professionals play such an essential role in their companies’ success. While some tech experts prefer to continue as strong individual contributors or follow the domain expertise path, others will be recognized for their outstanding value

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September 20, 2017

In every organization, we can spot those individuals with stellar performance who seem to be rocketing to the top, untouched by the usual obstacles and bureaucratic red tape. But, take it from me, things aren’t always as they seem from the outside. I’ve spent twenty years working with these high achievers and success-oriented individuals, and

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June 28, 2017

Many companies today are worried they don’t have the right leadership to succeed in the digital and disruptive age. Maybe they’ve got it all wrong. What if they actually have the right leaders—but they’re being held hostage by the same old expectations, metrics, and rewards? Here’s the problem. The very nature of business is continually

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June 14, 2017

I don’t typically write or comment on issues of diversity and inclusion. But an often-overlooked aspect of the topic — cognitive diversity — is starting to come into the spotlight, and I have some insights on it because of the focus of my work. In my experience, I’ve seen that companies produce the best results and

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May 19, 2017

Yesterday LinkedIn released the latest version of its Annual Top Companies List, highlighting the organizations where professionals most want to work. As I read through the information, I was struck by a key commonality across each of the honorees. They are all boundary-stretching, envelope-pushing, fresh-thinking companies. Not just innovative, but innovative on steroids. We can

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