October 22


Career Potential: Are You Getting a “Thumbs Up” or “Thumbs Down”?

By Sara Canaday

October 22, 2012

career, election, reputation, vote, workplace

When we are introduced to new co-workers, we typically don’t receive copies of their resumes along with the nice-to-meet-you handshakes. We might sit through an hour-long meeting with the new guy on the team and not have any idea about his experience, accomplishments or degrees. But chances are, at the end of that hour, we’ve already decided whether he will be great to work with – or not.

Did he look bored and apathetic? Were his papers rumpled and disorganized?
Did he avoid eye contact and refrain from contributing to the discussions? We mentally give this guy the “thumbs down” within minutes, and no amount of world-class credentials can overcome that kind of negative impression. When it comes to career success, perceptions count in a big way!

So how are you perceived by your co-workers? That’s a question being asked much more frequently these days, as experts and survey statistics continue to confirm the direct link between a positive workplace perception and professional advancement. Just last week, leadership expert and best-selling author Michael Hyatt blogged about the same topic.

How Are People Left When You Leave Their Presence?

I’d love to know what you think. And if you’re interested in improving your perception in the workplace, I hope you’ll consider reading my book, “You – According to Them: Uncovering the blind spots that impact your reputation and your career.” (www.amazon.com)

Sara Canaday

About the author

Sara began her journey working full-time while she earned an MBA. As she climbed the ladder of corporate America, she repeatedly observed a surprising phenomenon: the most successful people weren’t necessarily the ones with the highest IQ or best job skills. She recognized instead that career advancement was much more closely linked with how people applied their knowledge and talents — their capacity to collaborate, communicate, and influence others.

Today, Sara is happily fulfilling that commitment as a keynote speaker, author, and executive coach. These venues have given her the opportunity to mentor and support thousands of people in diverse situations, inspiring many of them to move from insight to action with dramatic career results.

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