Professionals worldwide have accelerated their careers using this proprietary online assessment.
With its targeted method for gathering truly meaningful responses, this valuable tool will give you access to a wealth of insight about your workplace reputation and priceless brand feedback from your selected colleagues and co-workers.
Best of all, it will help you to discover and eliminate any professional blind spots that are inadvertently holding you back from reaching your full potential.
Your survey results will also include a comprehensive list of valuable development suggestions to guide you in taking immediate action that will enhance your success and your career.
Purchase the Brand 360 Survey

“In using the Brand 360 Survey, I was able to do what it’s so easy NOT to do: learn – for real — how the people I manage, work with, and interact with experience me in a variety of situations. Did I uncover some blind spots? Absolutely. Anyone who thinks they don’t have anything to work on is mistaken. I also learned about my strengths: those I am aware of and some I had taken for granted and even blown off thinking “Surely, everyone can do this.”
Patti DeNucci
The Intentional Networker